Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Competition Info, Guidelines, and Rules

Categories & Guidelines

The following guidelines can help you choose the category that is right for you.

Open MS Category: Any mobile suit kit from any timeline

Beginner Class: 
Basic assembly, decals & stickers, minimal painting, panel lining and top coating. 

 -      Eligible kits: Any RG, MG, NG, HG, RE and PG MS kit

Advanced Class: Model only.  All beginner level techniques plus full painting, kit bashing, scratch building, weathering/damage, pla-plating and panel line scribing.

-      Eligible kits: Any RG, MG, NG, HG, RE and PG MS kit

 MS-06 Zaku II Category: Every entrant in this category will submit a completed MS-06 Zaku II kit.  It’s up to each entrant to put their own spin on this basic suit and really make theirs stand out, whether it’s a custom paint job or the wrecked and rusted remains of and old Zaku, years after the OYW.

Intermediate Class: Basic assembly, decals & stickers, minimal painting, panel lining and top coating, plus full painting and kit bashing.

-      Eligible kits: RG, MG, NG, HG, and PG MS-06 Zaku II kit

Advanced Class: Model only.  All intermediate level techniques plus scratch building, pla-plating and panel line scribing, full kit bashing, and weathering/damage.

-      Eligible kits: RG, MG, NG, HG, and PG MS-06 Zaku II kit


·        All winners will receive a personalized trophy consisting of a wooden base and attached Gundam Action Base (on which the winning model may be displayed).  The trophy will be inscribed with their name or username (you will be contacted as to your preference), name of the contest, and the category/class in which they won

·        All winners of each category will receive a gunpla as listed below.  If their designated gunpla is unavailable, a replacement of the same grade/price range will be provided.

o   Open MS Category:

§  Beginner Class: HG G-Reco #1 Gundam G-Self

§  Advanced Class: Any gunpla of up to $80 value

o   MS-06 Zaku II Category:

§  Intermediate-class: HGBF #21 Gundam EZ-SR

§  Advanced -class: Any gunpla of up to $80 value

o   Kit Drawing:

  • All entrants in all categories/ classes will be entered to win a Ball Ver. Ka kit.  This prize will be given to the winner of a random name-drawing
·        All entrants will be entered in a drawing to win a $5 gift certificate to modelgrade.net

·        Beginner and Intermediate prizes, and all gift certificates have been provided by modelgrade.net.  The staff of the Gunpla Lollapalooza would like to offer our sincere gratitude to Joe of modelgrade.net for offering to help make this competition happen.  Thanks a lot!


·        Participants must be located in the US or Canada (Apologies to our brothers and sisters from other countries, international shipping was too expensive)

·        Participants must have posted to the r/gundam or r/gunpla Reddit sub-reddit

o   If you are not currently a member, feel free to sign up and make a post right now!  Then you’re good to go!

§  r/Gunpla sub-reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Gunpla/

§  r/Gundam sub-reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/gundam/

·        Participants may only enter ONE class of EACH category

o   judges will have final say on the category a completed kit falls into

·        Participants who have entered a model in the Open MS Category may also enter a model in the MS-06 Zaku II Category.

o   Entrants must not use the same completed kit for both categories

§  If an entrant wishes to enter a Zaku II into both categories, he/she may do so, but they must be separate kits, or two of the same kit. 

·        A single completed kit may not be entered into both categories

·        Participants may enter any Bandai Gundam kit appropriate for the category they are entering 

·        Participants must start with an unbuilt kit

·        Participants must submit at least one set of 3 work in progress photos along with photos of your completed works by 5/29/15 at midnight Eastern Standard Time

o   This must be done for each category entered

o   Submit photos to: brenticus302@gmail.com

·        Entry information must be submitted by Friday March 13th at midnight Eastern Standard Time

o   Work in Progress & Completed photos must be submitted by 5/29/15 at midnight EST

·        Winners will be announced by June 5th 2015

·        Prizes will be shipped to winners by June 30th, 2015

How to get started:

Send an email to: brenticus302@gmail.com 
with the following information:

·        First Name

·        State you reside in

·        The kit(s) you plan on entering

·        The category/categories you plan on entering

·        A photo of the kit(s) you plan on building along with a piece of paper with your reddit username, and the date written on it by hand

Submitting work in progress photos and finals

Submit work in progress and final photos to: brenticus302@gmail.com

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